


学务办电话: +86-0516-83656835


通 讯 地 址:江苏省徐州市铜山新区上海路101号

Rules Reminder

当前位置:首页  English  Rules Reminder

1. Abide by the Chinese laws, do not engage in any anti-Chinese activities or any missionary work.

2. Conscientiously study,do not be late for class, leave early, stay away from school.

3. Apply in time for visa and residence permit.

4. Take good care of public properties and do not remove or disassemble the furniture.

5. Take good care of public environment and do not smoke in closed air, spit on the ground or make noise.

6. Conform to the regulations of meeting visitors in dormitory and do not put up a guest in the dormitory.

7. Take precautions against fire and do not use high-power electrical appliances against the rules.

8. Do not work illegally or participate in any commercial activities.